
Winged Migration
If anyone has ever seen Winged Migration, he or she will note the amount of dedicated work the directors and film producers have put together, all of which to allow their audience the closes perspective into the life of the earth’s flying species. The visual is brilliantly poetic, showing us, literally, a birds-eye view of mother nature’s landscapes. Most importantly, the film portrays and depicts a different intelligence we may not yet grasp, one that may only be realized by the object itself–the birds! The music, some of which can be encaptivating, adds to the overall sensational effect. The feel for the migrating birds will leave the audience with a deeper appreciation for the audubon life–and, a deeper appreciation for our’s!

Here is a clip from the movie, Winged Migration

Here’s my brother and I standing at a harbor in St. George, Bermuda. June 2008

My handsome brother with his fedora and me.

My handsome brother with his fedora and me.

To Brian
To Brian: I heard this song on the radio while driving home from D.C., and it was heard on the day after our time hanging out together in Fairfax, VA. from the night before. The song below reminds me of all those who are doing the best with what they have. And of course, you come to mind when I heard that song.

Brian: it was good to see you, and catching up with you is always like two minds reinforcing the wonders and powers of forward and positive thinking. Talking with you, especially during that night at Silver Diners in Fairfax, was like completing a well-written novel and running mile repeats–you get so much out of doing those things. Humbly speaking, my friend, you are wise beyond your years. I’m glad to know you.
U2, It’s a Beautiful Day


  1. John replied:

    You’re the handsome of the two, Louis! Nice bags.

  2. John replied:

    And, good grief, who allowed me to hold a pink drink while having my picture taken?

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