Art, Design, and Culture

In this page, you’ll be able to see some things that I like –art, design, and culture– which help makes the world go round.   Art and design, of course, is an expression of culture, and what better way to appreciate culture than to open up a world of differences to further our understanding of what makes everything in this world unique and to make life more enriching, fascinating, and beautiful.

Have an enriching, fascinating, and lively stay here discovering new beauties of life!

Music and everything else Music
Anyone who knows me, been to my house and lives with me, workout with me, hangout with me, or even walks by my office at work would know that music is a constant. I train solo about 90 percent of time and music has always been there as my training partner and it helps me push myself further and further–to the point that I may be dancing after an exhaustive run! Music –any kind of music– from classic rock, rap, pop, techno, industrial, country (you’d be surprise at how many country songs I could recite), classical, jazz, house, alternative country, trance, and all the way to just whistling will get me in a good mood. Music makes the world go round. Dancing may be the universal language.

Katy Perry went from a starving artist to a sensational rockstar with this high beat song

On with some more music, this time an 80’s oldie. One that I grew up with and up til’ today, I still love listening to it. It’s the high beat and the innocents of the lyrics that always draws me back to listening to an old favorite.
Modern English’s I Melt with You

An Artist
People who know me may know that I love to sit at one of my favorite bookstores, Barnes and Noble, for some downtime over coffee or tea, and each time I’m there, I’m either leafing through some current affairs, running, health and nutrition, or arts magazine looking for the latest news or fad, or at best, just trying to attempt to keep my brain sharp through reading. However, the best time of all is to sit there with some friends mulling over everything and nothing at all. Often times, what keeps me –including my friends– centered and even-keeled is an artist I’ve known for over four years. You may see him working hard, sketching, erasing, and fine-tuning his masterpiece; detailing everything he sees, the connection from his mind to his thin boney fingers, jittering furiously the pencil marks of dark and gray shades onto thick white paper. For hours this jittering goes on into the close of business hours. His work is original and cleverly written and drawn with a mix of traditional-style Japanese comic book art and Hebrew history. At times, it seems as if his work is never complete, but when heart and soul is put into something, the reward is completion. To the artist and his family (who includes one kind woman of whom I have had the honor of working with at the elementary school) who have open new doors visually to the world: Peace to you, and keep sharing your passion!
The Artist and his Brother

To each who run with me:
One day, perhaps after our Sunday easy runs, you and I can squeeze some helium into 99 red balloons and set them free. This song actually makes me reminisce of world peace, and as a result, I have hopes for our new President.
Nena,99 Red Balloons

Gary Hustwit’s Objectified and Helvetica
With a simple look around the world we live in, we are filled with objects that all have a certain aesthetic appeal we may or may not give much thought to, let alone a simple bat of our eyes toward objects that were carefully designed by someone who made not only the object itself, but engineered how it will affect us, the consumers, in our everyday life. The objects may not only serve its function, but may also serve as form, which also, to the awared eye, may ultimately transform how we live and gain awareness and new perspectives in our every-day life. The movie, Objectified, tells amazingly, by Gary Hustwit, how all this happens and how it affects us all, even if we may not be aware of it. I’m super excited for its documentary. Check out the Objectified movie trailer below, then scroll down to see a trailer from the same creator who explored the breadth and width of how a single typeface, Helvetica, transformed how we see graphic design and its influences in our culture.

Objectified Trailer

Helvetica Trailer

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