

A blog by Louis Nguyen about


extracting every ounce of my


energy into my day’s life


and all the things I like.



Running FAST!!Hello World!

 Welcome to my blog!  On this site you may be able to see and learn how I like to live my life to the fullest by using every last drop of my energy into all the days that I live–adventurously!  The best way to show you what I mean would be to leave you with the above picture.  It is of a hill that I used to do part of my hard workouts by running as fast as I can up that hill.  “Sub4″ is a time I have accomplished in running 1500 meters; hence, it is part of how I like to live part of my life.  

 My purpose for this site is to share my experiences in life and the perspectives and knowledge I have gained through my everyday life as a teacher, inspirer, and doer.   More importantly, my hope for this site is to pass on any wisdom of all the things I have learned through my blood, sweat, and labor of love, passion, and on-going dreams that I hope I will one day realize.  As such, this site will capture my journey and wisdom as I work hard toward to my dreams.  I hope you will find my site as enriching and enlightening as it will be for me.  I wish you a lively stay!

One Comment

  1. John replied:

    Cool. Bookmarked! Looking forward to more good stuff…

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