October 29, 2009


October 29, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

October 25, 2009 at the 9:30 Club in DC

Do-Do bird walking in…
Me walking into 930

Where am I in this picture?
Wheres Waldo (Me)?

There I am!
Where's Waldo (Me)

October 27, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

“Back in the days…”

At the time, like, I was having so much fun, so I can’t remember exactly what I was doing but I think I was dancing to “Radio Killed the Radio Star” in this picture here. Sorry for the bad quality picture (my 80’s polaroid camera is not technologically advanced). But totally whatever!!! Ha ha ha!!!!Picture001

And the song and its video to go please…

October 20, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.


So so made for each other!!

October 13, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.


I find this kinda funny…

October 13, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

The Four Elements that make up our World

Water, Air, Fire, Cream Cheese.

October 6, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.


They’re omnipotent; they’re all around us, just like a cosmic farce. They surround us, penetrate us; binds us together. You just have to look really hard to find them.

October 6, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

For all you poor souls out there…

A Catch-22 (almost)

October 6, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.