We’re all Africans

Through our bloodline, just learned that we’re all Africans. (Since 50K years ago our ancestors, from Africa, had migrated north-westernly up to the Middle East to end up in Europe, and another group had migrated to Central Asia, while some split apart to go to Australia, the the rest had went to Siberia and crossed the Berring Straits to settle in what’s known today as North America.) Pretty amazing. So we’re all African, from Africa. Our first probable language was (said sharp and quickly in sentence form): “Click, click, cluck, click click, da da da da, click, clo, smack, dlu, dlu, dlu, dlu, click, click, click, click, ah ah ah ah ahhhh.”

September 29, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

Despite a rainy day in DC, I had a good time downtown…

For me, part of the best in the rainy day today was stumbling upon a studio that specializes in modern-classic furniture, specifically the kind that sells museum design-quality chairs that are typically sold in NYC only, and the best part of today was seeing, in person, a Charles Eames designed chair, the Herman Miller. And the bestest part was that one can purchase it and have it the same day at the studio I serendipitiously stumbled upon today Design Within Reach (hence the name implies you don’t have to go to New York to purchase museum-quality furniture). Of course, if one wants run-of-the-mill furniture without much design cache or appeal, then any local furniture store will sell you what they have many of, and that’s okay.

Below is a link to Design Within Reach studios (hopefully there’ll be a DWR studio near you), but without further ado, I gotta thank the propietor of the studio, Ann, the expert in modern design, for allowing me to hang out with her for almost the whole afternoon talking about design and functionality of yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s “modern” classics in furniture.

Design Within Reach

“Good design is not only about beautiful shapes. It always has to be clever in the solution of functional questions.” ~Jesus Gasca

September 27, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

September 25, 2009

Amazing to me (period).

September 25, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

September 21, 2009

The whipping of the squirrel’s tail smacks against a dry leaf causing the ant on it to catapult onto the farmer’s sweaty collar bone.

September 21, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Is…it is is; it’s just is. It is what it is. Isn’t it?

Tomorrow is Saturday and I’m drawing a blank now. It’s getting hot in this room. There’s already too many “A’s” and “D’s”, so the answer’s gotta be “B”. What the hey, I can always come back to change it to a “C”. Then “B” it is. The scantron looks right now; it’s a good mix of “A’s, B’s, C’s, and D’s”, and they’re arranged systematically to look good enough. Actually, a “C” might make it look more right. Shoot, I’ve already left too many eraser smudges so I’ll just keep it at “B”. All right, next question…

What the hey, I’ll just erase “B”. What’s another eraser smudge, right? Tomorrow is Satuday. I hope my teacher still likes me.

September 20, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

September 20, 2009

When the shadow of the grasshopper falls across the tail of the field mouse on green and slimey grass as the red sun rises above the western horizon sillouetting a gaunt and taughtly muscled indian warrior perched with bow and arrow cocked and aimed straight at you, it’s time for another martini.

September 20, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

September 19, 2009

When people are smiling and the light is dim, it’s time to go home and hide.

September 19, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

It’s pretty rare that you’ll see an Asian person drinking Coke (or any soda for that matter) but…

here yah go (I hope he didn’t play a joke on himself with what he’s drinking)…


September 19, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

America’s most entertaining cities

Even though DC has much to offer many folks like me, I’ve always felt that there was something more appealing about New York City than most other metropolitan/urban cities that I’ve been to, and that major city ranks first as the most entertaining city (read a lil’ further to see the article). So as much as humanly possible for a guy like me living in a busy Northern Virginia area, I’ve never dismissed any opportunity to get on the Vamoose to head for NYC. The city there and its culture are beautiful, positively challenging, a thrill to explore, and to say the least, both offers endless opportunities for many enriching and lively experiences–to the point that the excitment gets dizzying and crazy good. Check out the article on NYC here. On a side note, according to the article, I’m a little surprised that San Francisco came in almost last place since I’ve always had a good time with my brother, his wife, and a bunch of moderately hedonistic friends there! Ha!!

September 15, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Incredible find!

Wish I’m living in Illinoise only for right now for this item’s amazing price(!?!)…Check it here! It may be worth the trip. Hmmm…

September 13, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

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