The Filth!

One of the best blog rolls I’m currently following is mostly written in a first person perspective, and the blog, which tells a story about a young man who grows up making millions through shady dealings, has got to be one of the most gripping blogs I’m reading today. Once you start reading from the beginning, you may “see” what this guy is going through in his head as he narrates his thoughts in dark –and almost too uncomfortable– genre. In some instances within each blog’s entry, the character is told in a manner that some, if not all(!), readers may be able to identify to, and possibly even relate with, an everyday real-life horrific, yet empathetic, scenarios of events. Check it here: The Filth

July 28, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

Cheers to this!

Get plenty of sleep, too! (Scratch out the “” at the bottom of the poster as the info there is suspect.)


July 26, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Amazing day for me

For me, today’s gotta be one of the best days yet. After months of laying off from any serious running, especially speed running, I am happy to web log some significant track runs that I completed today.

First off, right now, I feel like I’ve just accomplished something today that I thought I wouldn’t be able to do without much training; that is, run relatively as fast similarly as I did long ago. 4 X 200’s at even splits (30 secs each), then 3 X 300’s at negatives (52, 51, then 50). Doing these amazing times for me was not, of course, without the help and support of my track friends (and especially Mike for his super competitive nature and encouragement) who called me out of the blues Monday night to go out for some speed workouts. So thanks a bunch (!) to them and Mike for pacing with me today. Hope we can turn those incredible numbers into something great on the competitive track–especially at our age, I think we can blow out the competitors with the numbers we put up today! With a bit more training, it’s guarranteed we’ll medal.

July 23, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Cheerio, everyone!

No, not the cereal “Cheerios”, but a toast. No, not a piece of lightly heated bread either. Well, nevermind.

My first breakfast I’ve made in my new home consisted of basic ingredients (when compared to IHOP’s elaborate breakfast menu) that normally pack high nutrients to feed my mind and body; in the photo you’d see some light olive oil, 4 egg whites, sprinkle of Italian seasoning, dash of garlic powder, 2 golfball sized strawberries, and a handful of blueberries, and to wash it all down 2 cups of regular coffee and a glass of tea for my need of extra anti-oxidants. Yes, you read it correctly; anti-oxidants are a need since the needs of life are fundamentally what keeps us alive and living well (that is, other than water, shelter, community, and other essential food). All right, I’ll get off my soapbox (or my rant as some of my students call it) but before I head out for the day, I wish all my friends and relatives a healthy and most happy and fun-filled summer so far!


July 20, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

Some thoughts for the soul…

Some thoughts that I preach and practice since life really is too short. Hope all are having a wonderful day. Check it


July 16, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Adding depth to the human experience; adding more meaning to life.

I’ve just completed a 2-week long photography class: Integration of Digital Photography and Darkroom Film Development. I must say that I feel like I’ve got more of an existential human experience than any other classes I’ve taken since, well(?), way back when and I can’t remember. To say the least, I’ve had fun and have learned a lot about digital and film photography, including photoshop. But what I got most out of that class is something I will never forget, and that was a deeper appreciation of life. Of all the people I’ve met in the past two weeks, each had something unique to share, and each gave a different perspective in life; nothing pretentious, nothing ostentatious, just purely on how each person perceives what it is that they appreciate through the lens of a camera. The energy in the class was neutral, nothing positive nor negative, but I guess good or bad energy is dependent on one’s own attitude. And if one has a negative attitude, the class’ tone and mood would be affected (and that’s independent of each person’s emotional sensitivity level being easily affected), but in this class, everyone seem to have kept the attitude neutral, and I believe it was best to keep it that way to allow one’s (the viewer’s) own experience to be fully realized without being affected negatively or postively by any external stimuli.

Through this class I’ve learned that some people may ultimately believe in maintaining a balance between the intellect and the emotion in order to live life to the fullest and happiest, and just as well, some may believe that living life to the fullest and happiest is to balance happiness with duty; there is nothing wrong with either way, but for me both ways intrinsically conflicts one another; often times, one may satisfy the mind, but not the heart; and often times, one may run the risk of making duty to others the dues we pay to be happy. I don’t believe this gets to the depth of the human experience or add more meaning to life. Without an integration of the heart and mind, and happiness and duty, one cannot possibly experience the truest and deepest meaning of life.

Duty to others is not a human duty, a moral or legal responsibility. Serving others is the fruit of self-understanding. Can any material source be equivalent to the happiness provided by being a source of well-being to another? For me, rather than finding this “balance” of heart and mind and happiness with duty, I find integration of one’s self interests in the self interests of all others. This is the transcendent self that gives meaning to one’s life. It also explains the core of all religious instruction and the experiential work of yogis, meditators and all other transformative arts over the past few thousand years.

As we enter into the shelter of the human heart, we become part of a self-evidence that includes all others. In those others so sheltered, we see ourselves; in those not yet sheltered, we see ourselves. We are all meaningful, beyond the minds ability for comprehension, when we realize the integration of the heart and the mind.

In the class integration of digital and film photography, the two methods of photography weren’t the only things integrated, it was also the actual photos that depicted the photographer’s heart and mind to be integrated with the viewer’s heart and mind. This class specially gave me more insight into life and closer to enlightenment.

July 4, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Happiness is truly from within, and everything else is icing on top!

Ummm...Whole Food's eclair!!!  Yuuummm...

July 3, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Getting back into it again!

Pretty excited now that school is completely over but, like every summer since I’ve started teaching, there’s always that amiss feeling from an everyday structured routine. This can only mean one thing for me: back to training runs the hardcore style; the fast repeats, the cardio-base building runs, threshold runs, and of course, the interval-fartleks that tie nicely into some stiff running competition again. My mind is definitely on racing again, and this time, there will be a more deliberate training involved due to more wisdom; therefore, there will be less wasted energy, more efficient training, more determination, more focusness, more purpose, and last but not least, more sharing of ideas with other fellow athletes and students; all that thereby more fun. That’s the beauty and maturity that comes with age; things that once were a chore are now a joy, and by all means, at the forefront of my consciousness, all this translates to other facets of life.

July 3, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Good week so far but!

Sleep deprivation = brain dysfunction = physical dysfunction; everything else becomes dysfunctional. Gotta get back into a more streamlined sleeping pattern. Everything is not too good now. Ugh So much energy and brain not tired therefore no sleep again! Arghhh!

July 3, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

If this is real, it’s incredible. It’s worth the remote control moment alone.

Sorry, Geoff; I don’t think it’s real. Thanks anyway for the youtube clip on showing the guy’s specially momentous moment with that remote.

July 1, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.