Fun! And the opposite of it.

I love it. Having fun is soooooo much fun! The rich oxygenated blood flow, the youngness at heart, the cheerfulness, the innocence, the laughter, the giddiness, the silliness, the equalizer to life, the creativity, the worth-while efforts to find it–mentally and physically, the destressor; the complete opposite of crying, stress, anger, hatred, etc etc. Life goes on and why not find the joy in life with a discerning judgment and celebrate it maximally–especially with others! Furthermore, fun is not just good exercise for the mind and body, but for the spirit too.

Having fun is the “fountain of youth”.

Conversely, it’s sad that there are the too self-absorbed personalities so, sadly, they typically take everything personally and are overly sensitive and they stress themselves (and others) out. The worst part is that they typically turn to unhealthy habits for comfort. Then life becomes hurtful and the blaming starts! C’est la vie 😦

May 25, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Last week of appreciation in 2009

While cleaning, still, at my home and getting it ready for rental, I’ve taken some pictures of the rose bush I’ve planted in the year 2002. Every Spring time, I get to enjoy and appreciate these beautiful blooms and this may be the last time I get to see them before I move to a new locale. The new place has a bigger garden so perhaps I can grow some more flowers, and this time I’m thinking about adding some tulips to the pad. Roses and tulips–what a combination! Anyhow, hope you enjoy these pictures. The roses bloom in different color each year…last year’s color was white, and the preceding year was yellow. This year is mostly violet to dark red with one pink and you can see the only pink that bloomed in the picture.

May 18, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Better than new in many regards

Even though there is no monetary return on investments in dropping a grand into rebuilding my hoopty, nonetheless it has been one of my best value investments so far this year. No worries of monthly car payments, higher insurance premiums, or worries of vandalism on a car that’s been held together by duck tape, bungy cords, and bull’s elmer glue, I shall continue to enjoy a car that’s been good to me. The next valuable purchase for this four-wheel beater are black rubber electrical tape for those wires underneath my dash! Gotta keep things looking tidy with style!

May 17, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

My perfect breakfast for the past two weeks, STRAIGHT!

1-cup of green tea (without the tea bag, of course) mixed in with 1-cup of quick oats, half a banana (chopped) and some brown sugar. This breakfast has amazingly been the choice for its lasting energy value throughout my busy schedule, but I’m almost to the point of not wanting to see another spoon of mush so I’m now doing research on some other potential yummies! Thinking about regular toast and jelly with some spread of natural peanut butter, or better yet…almond butter from Trader Joes!

May 14, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Butterfly effect or Coincidence?

In a great scheme of universal existence, if things happen randomly, do we try to explain that they happen non-randomly? Or, does everything in our world happen in a cause-and-effect relationship in a non-random manner whereby having heads show up on a coin flip is even and random distribution only? A system, or many systems, need to be in place. Which ever ratio of distribution, an explanation may be had through a system, or many of them, with coefficients working in tandem with natural, physical laws and variables with relativity. Such system(s) may cause more events to be random, but explained non-randomly.

May 13, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Everything, simply.

After much time busying myself with other duties such as work, training, and moving, my days of finding time to web log is of course mitigated and are filled with rest. At work, just about everything there is coming down to the wire; students’ work-output are comprehensively demonstrated and maximized to see how much they’ve learned. My training has all but curtailed to doing just the essentials while maintaining optimal health; that is, I’ve gone from logging in 60-70 miles of running a week (which is, from what I’ve learned from all sorts of reputable scientific sources, is so unhealthy) down to 20-25 a week. And finally, my moving from one home to another is unquestionably physically exhausting; the good part of all the painting, lifting, scrubbing, tightening, etc., is the quiet time to think and zen out. During that time, I feel like Ralph Machio from the movie “Karate Kid”.All i can say is from all thats going on now, its time for a littlebreak on mothers day. So to all the mothers in the world, happy mothers day and thank you for all the specialness you all have instilled into life!

May 10, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.