Some Definite Conversational Pieces of Art!

Between Tice and I at Murky Coffee in Arlington, we’ve always managed to sit back at that damn coffee place (like a few other places we enjoy going to) to relax and chit chat over everything and nothing at all. On Saturday, we certainly did just that after a hard workout in the morning, and sipping over some white mocha coffee (Tice with his mean double shot of espresso) helped kept us awake for a hike around the city to enjoy people and architectural watching. But one of the best eye catchers for me that day (other than a big surprise from seeing three fellow teachers in the middle of a somewhat big city, far from where we all work) were two pictures of a mouse that were drawn on two scrap pieces of paper and actually being sold for a nominal value at Murky Coffee (see pictures below). It was initially eye-catching to me because, if anyone knows about the Chinese zodiac, I was born in the year of the rat (some may say “year of the mouse”) and any significant mouse that I see (even Mighty Mouse) has always interested my curiousity in finding any signs and/or symbols of the mouse and relating the quality of that sign/symbol to the predictions of the quality of the people who were born in that Chinese zodiac year. I have found some of the qualities to be quite complimentary to me! ha HA!



March 23, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

An Honest Pace

There’s a saying: “Sports does not build character, it reveals it”.

My long run training partner Phil took off fast from the start as I followed close by his heels, and as I sensed the speed of which we started for our two hour long run from Rosslyn to D.C. and back (my long runs are normally 1-1/2 hour long), my heart rate monitor re-affirmed that rate of speed by clocking me at 164 bpm. We managed to sustain the fast pace (not something I normally do on my long runs) for nearly three quarters of the whole run until the last quarter, and in my mind I thought for the next half-hour (or the last quarter) I’m just going to do a cool down and let Phil know just that–I wanted to take it slower, badly! Well, we were going to do just that until two army guys paced right pass us. At that moment, I looked at Phil and told him “no way, man”…no such thing as “cool down” even when we’ve only got a quarter more to go. We’ll just have to cool down when we get back to our car. So from outside the D.C. monument lawn and all the way to the Mount Vernon trail to get back to Rosslyn, the competitiveness within me didn’t want to give up any fast pace running to anyone. In my mind and heart, it was well worth the extra work, since making excuses not to perform at my best, to me, means not being honest to myself and anyone else I may be with.

March 22, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Yo! Find me some rhythm and turn it up!

March 16, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

Most Bizarre and Creepy yet Fantastically Absurd and Humorous

After a long run around Arlington and through D.C., my friends and I settled back to our “meeting unit” at Barnes and Nobles. That place is sorta’ like our happy-medium, last resort, no effort, place to meet to catch up on everything that is far and few between what we’ve all been up to, and just as well, we go there to kick back over decaf coffee at its cafe shop and to enjoy a few laughs paging through their amusing humor books, and at times some of us just do a relaxing look-see through colorful magazines that have few words to read. And sometimes we’ll just hang back and jog through some digital pictures we’ve taken on our daily journey of picturesque places we’ve been (presently building a small album for my web log). One picture that might have been taken had I have my camera ready at our meeting unit last night was of a lady sitting next to a window looking outside and laughing at some shirtless guy in spandex shorts wearing a gold mask dancing and doing jumping jacks outside in the rain. Unfortunately (fortunate in some retrospect!) I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough to snap a shot at such a bizarre and creepy incident. As I sat with my eyes fixed at such oddity, I remembered that I was almost completely bemused and bewildered, and at times I was trying to restrain my giggles about the ridiculousness of it all, nonetheless eventually, everything that was in horrific view to me became an astonishing blur. After a much capriciously giddy and dizzying moment that lasted roughly 15 seconds we all (including the lady who was laughing absurdly by the window) regained our composure and got back to reading and doing whatever it was we were doing, and the fantastically comical pirouetting, prancing, and dancing guy had disappeared into the rainy night.

March 15, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Rest, Sleep!

A few friends have asked me for my opinion on what is the single most important training tip for goal oriented training. Without a doubt and without hesitation, I say: “Rest!” That is my best single training tip to all my friends who are new to training and preparing for their first (or 100th) race.

I say this from my own learned failure and successful experiences and from learning through others’ (recreational, professional and elite athletes) who constantly worry that they’re not training enough to the point that they cause themself anxiety and undue stress (mental and physical, respectively), which had lead them to lost of performance on race day, and worst on a few occasions, which had lead them from brilliance to injury due to over-training and not enough REST!

Recovery is the most important aspect of training and not many people factor that into their exercise and workout plan, and I’ve seen and heard many top athletes (including myself) injure themselves by not leaving themselves any rest day in their training schedule. Muscles need to repair and re-energize themselves for growth and strength, and the best time it can do that is through sleep (if not through rest by laying off the weights or staying off the feet).

So I tell my friends, if you have a major race coming up, get plenty of sleep (and then some) on the day before the event. For me, I would sleep the whole day.

March 12, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

Accessible Workouts on the Go!

Almost everyone who lives in our culture are busy and most find it difficult to find time to workout, let alone train (i.e., for people who have goals other than to stay healthy). I fall under the latter, and for that reason, any bit of training helps. And it’s those bits of training that I squeeze into a hectic schedule are the ones that really help! Other than a few bit rounds of burpees, squat jumps, and some stretches during any free time I have, which includes “down time”, I carry in my car some ropes, a yoga mat, a 16-pound leather ball, and a couple of therabands of differing lengths and resistances.

This is not only great for stationary rope jumping, but it’s excellent for active proprioceptive stretches, and it’s especially useful for runners who can use it for stretching their hamstrings. It’s light, versitile, and it gets the job done well.

Yoga Mat
This is a almost a must for those who often workout outdoors, and it’s great for those who’d like their own to carry to the gym without worrying over its sanitation. I like to use it for an outdoor cushion for core workouts and for stretching after my runs.

16-pound Leather Ball, or “Medicine Ball”
I use this mostly for stability exercises and for drills at the track. But its use is really good for any type of compound exercise like squats and lunges to help develop or maintain general strength.

Excellent for its versitility in exercise and load variability. It’s light, easy to store, and inexpensive to buy. I love to use it as a “run to” exercise when nothing else is around for weight resistent workouts. I’ve used it on many of my trips on the road (I once stuffed 5-yards of it into my carry-on luggage!).

A Hand-held Massager
Great for superficial and deep tissue massage for those tight and screaming muscles!

So other than looking for trails, high school or college tracks, a scenic route, or an open cross country park, I can always ensure that I stay on course to my goal and be at my best by carrying my stowed accessible exercise stuff!

March 11, 2009. Captured Event. 1 comment.

March 7, 2009

If movement is life, then running is life lived to the fullest!

March 7, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

Clean and Jerk Olympic Lift (most powerful type of lift)

From track to olympic lifts, my brother, always finding new ways to challenge himself mentally and physically. Here he is with his company hosting the 44th Annual Golden West Open, the longest Olympic-style Weightlifting competition in the country. Each year the competition gets bigger and the competitors get deeper. Here he is with the clean-and-jerk lift (the world’s most powerful lift) which won him the competition in his weight class (112 kg or 246.4 lbs. at 149.6 lbs. body weight). Pretty strong, powerful, and explosive fella!

March 5, 2009. Captured Event. 2 comments.

Stairmasters at New York City’s Empire State Building

86 floors, 1,576 steps, nine minutes and 33 seconds is the fastest time to get to the top? I see another road trip in the near horizon.

March 5, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

KD Robinson, the guy to run with…

Anyone who knows track would probably know Khadevis Robinson, an 800 meter specialist, and a very experienced one at it, not because he’s an experienced 33-years young athlete, but because he’s mature and knows what he’s thinking when he speaks and he backs up what he says! This guy has got to be one of the most intelligent track runners I’ve been following, –and I’ve come across many many many intelligent track and cross country athletes– and he takes the cake on giving the best interviews. If there’s only one guy to know on the track scene, it’s worth knowing Khadevis “KD” Robinson. If there was only one guy who I would love to run with in my life time, it would be KD. If not him, then of course, the most powerful Kenyan today, our President, Barack Obama. To run next to our Commander in Chief, I think I may just be able to give up and retire my running career with all the Kenyan runners, including my Kenyan kiddo, Jared.
“KD” Robinson

March 4, 2009. Captured Event. Leave a comment.

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