Back on the Saddle!

Well, maybe not exactly on the saddle, and not racing yet, either. But its been a long two months off from doing anything spectacular but this past week was different, and I’m feeling better about it.

This past weekend had been saved for seeking out any last weaknesses that I may have and then making gross and fine motor adjustments to strengthen those weaknesses in order to prepare for the upcoming meet invitations of relays, 800s, 1000s, 1500/1600s, master’s divisions, and any local 5K and 10Ks during the upcoming spring and summer seasons, and as I update my blog this Sunday evening, I know I have regained my racing form and composure due to some key workouts this past week. The most obvious weakness was my cardio-conditioning, which adversely affected my running rhthym, which ultimately had affected my pace. Fortunately, my cross training and swimming during my time off for healing my foot injury has reasonably helped kept me healthy to get back to running in no time. I feel fortunate to have learned through this time off that top performance means always being aware of my weaknesses, and then strengthening them. My biggest lesson through this set back was that no matter how good I might feel, my body may know otherwise; thus it is so important to listen to my body and how it feels, especially after an intense, or a long, workout session. So rest is hugely a must now, especially during my work days during the week because my schedule today is so different than the schedule I had during my high school and college years for training and racing.

For next week, one more tempo run and one long run, I should be back to true racing form. I have regrouped with Jeff, my pacing/training partner, and we’ll have some serious track workouts in the coming weekends ahead. Hopefully we’ll take ourselves to new heights this coming track season.

Here is a picture of an amazing track field that I had trained at this past weekend. It is in Loudoun County, which is far from the city and perfect for some solitude training. Next weekend I will return back to my alma mater’s track field for track work.


February 16, 2009. Captured Event. 2 comments.